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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

June 24th, 1542: On our way!

Today is the beginning of the expedition led by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo! We set out for the seas today, June 24th 1542, from port de Navidad. Our captain, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, has had experience with working with Hernan Cortes on an exploration to the West in a place called Mexico. He is Portuguese, but is exploring for Spain and we are hopeful that Cabrillo will lead us into the wealthy cities called Cibola, which are full of gold, and a shorter route to Asia. Cabrillo was commissioned to lead this expedition by King Carlos the I of Spain. We are confident in him, as he has had some experience under the successful explorer, Cortes. Also, he has had some experience with small explorations to Guatemala and Mexico. He became a successful citizen and ship builder in Guatemala. In fact, all three of the ships that will accompany Cabrillo on his journey were built by Cabrillo, himself. Cabrillo is being accompanied by a group of sailors, soldiers, slaves, a priest, and livestock. He is sailing out on the San Salvador and have high hopes for this trip!

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